Business Excellence (Part 4): The art of operationalisation

Edward Farrell The following “business excellence” series of articles are focused on the day to day operations and non-technical considerations of modern day cyber security practices. I wanted to share my own insights and observations of the cyber security industry away from a facade that is often presented to us in marketing, or from the […]

Insights: Audits are useless, but the act of auditing is invaluable

Edward Farrell Late last week I was empathising with a client about the fact they were about to undergo yet another cyber security audit. Lamenting at the constant product generated from this process and ongoing questioning, it had sparked two trains of thought: The title of this article is adulterated from a phrase often attributed […]

Business Excellence (Part 2): Selling a cyber security business

Edward Farrell The following “business excellence” series of articles are focused on the day to day operations and non-technical considerations of modern day cyber security practices. I wanted to share my own insights and observations of the cyber security industry away from a facade that is often presented to us in marketing, or from the […]

The do’s and don’ts of writing in cybersecurity

As a lecturer at university and director of a cyber security practice, I read a fair amount of written material above and beyond the latest news article. As a result, I see a lot of good and bad writing, and I wanted to share a few do’s and don’ts in this space. Im sure theres […]

Afghanistan, and cyberspace- a few thoughts…

Edward Farrell The events in Afghanistan over the past few days have been heart breaking to watch. The loss of life and the social impact are substantial however the events of the next few weeks will be equally upsetting. I was running through my head what this might mean from the standpoint of digital infrastructure, […]

The internet caught fire: Hunting CVE2021–26855

Edward Farrell Whilst I had allocated this weekend to the report writing and content review from the team, the recent events with Microsoft Exchange had led me a little astray. In addition to having to conduct some administration and follow up on two incident responses, I’d also elected to measure how vulnerable Australian infrastructure is […]

Do the numbers add up? revisiting the mathemetactics of a cyber security practice

Edward Farrell A pure cyber security practice (or any services practice) is the science of applying time and space relative to staff in order to achieve an effect. This could be as part of a governance strategy, penetration testing, gap reviews, managed security services or any other number of services that come up. The simple […]

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